St. Mary's Academy is a Catholic, independent school grounded in its Loretto tradition of putting faith beliefs and spirituality into action. We believe in the fundamental message of God as taught and lived by Jesus, to love without bounds. Since our beginnings, we have welcomed families of all traditions.
Faith in Action
- Retreats and religious observances, May Crownings including celebrations of Mass and prayer services, build communion, and foster fellowship.
- Theological studies and seminars for all students form strong foundations and deeper understandings of themselves and others in a multicultural and multireligious world.
- Service learning courses and community service, led by our director of service learning, directors of Loretto projects, campus minister, teachers, and student leaders, fulfill the Loretto mission of meeting our neighbors in their human needs and aspirations. Following Loretto's charism rooted in Mary standing at the foot of the cross at Jesus' crucification, students open their hearts to human suffering and explore their own faith in themselves and humanity, embracing their responsibility as lifelong agents of change.
- Daily interactions among teachers, students, and parents reinforce a culture of empathy, forgiveness, honesty and integrity. Mary, Mother of God, is represented throughout our campus and honored in our May Crowning ceremonies as a model of standing in compassion for others.
Through taking time to learn more about Jesus in class and gathering to celebrate through liturgies, we can lean on our faith to do the hard work of working for justice and respecting all people, cultures and faiths.
Heather Gordon
Campus Minister
SMA provides an exceptional and unique opportunity for children to grow, learn, and thrive in a caring environment that parallels our family values and Catholic beliefs.
Marsha K. Guess, M.D.