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Faculty and Staff Directory

Nestled within the heart of our community, St. Mary's Academy thrives as a closely bonded family of educators and staff, collectively illuminating the path for our students. Each day is an opportunity for the SMA team to live the Loretto School Values of faith, community, justice, and respect. Our dedicated faculty and staff share a strong work ethic, a thirst for personal growth, and an unwavering commitment to both the enrichment of their own lives and the flourishing journey of our students. 

SMA general phone number: 303.762.8300
SMA general email address:
SMA Address: 4545 S. University Blvd, Englewood, CO 80113

< 1 2 3 4 > showing 41 - 80 of 138 constituents
Phillip Gentry

Phillip Gentry

Titles: High School Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of College Counseling, High School Math Teacher
Heather Gordon

Heather Gordon

Titles: High School Theology Teacher and Campus Minister
Tess Greenwald

Tess Greenwald

Titles: Middle School Learning and Curriculum Specialist
Kate Gulick

Kate Gulick

Titles: High School Learning Specialist
Casey Harnar '06

Casey Harnar '06

Titles: High School English Teacher, College Counselor
Natalie Herndon

Natalie Herndon

Titles: Middle School Spanish Teacher
Ellen Hertzman

Ellen Hertzman

Titles: Lower School and Middle School Library Support
Anne Hinder

Anne Hinder

Titles: Assistant Director of Admissions
Kelly Hoffmaster

Kelly Hoffmaster

Titles: Middle School Maker and Design Teacher, and Faculty Coach
Kathleen Hogan

Kathleen Hogan

Titles: Advancement Program Manager
Becky Hon

Becky Hon

Titles: Lower School Instructional Specialist
Angela Hummel

Angela Hummel

Titles: High School Theology Teacher
Jeff Jewett

Jeff Jewett

Titles: Grade 7 Science Teacher
Karen Joella

Karen Joella

Titles: Grade 2 Teaching Assistant
Katie Joella

Katie Joella

Titles: HS Social Studies Teacher
Marie Johnson

Marie Johnson

Titles: High School Science Teacher
Kerra Jones

Kerra Jones

Titles: Director of Marketing and Communications
Jason Jung

Jason Jung

Titles: Middle School Fine Arts & Multimedia Teacher
Michael Kenny

Michael Kenny

Titles: Auxiliary Programs Coordinator
Rachel Kirchner

Rachel Kirchner

Titles: Middle School Learning Specialist
Jim Konrad

Jim Konrad

Titles: High School Marketing and Business Teacher, DECA Coach
Emily Lahrs

Emily Lahrs

Titles: High School American Sign Language Teacher
Darren Lange

Darren Lange

Titles: Campus Operations Manager
Michael Lantagne

Michael Lantagne

Titles: High School Theology Teacher, Theology Department Chair
Lindsey Lopez

Lindsey Lopez

Titles: Director of Lower School Admissions
Julie May '84

Julie May '84

Titles: High School Counselor and Wellness Coordinator
Ines McCall

Ines McCall

Titles: Lower School Spanish Teacher
BJ McDonald

BJ McDonald

Titles: Lower School Instructional Specialist
Shannon McFall

Shannon McFall

Titles: Grade 6 Science Teacher
Alexandra McGrath

Alexandra McGrath

Titles: Middle and High School French Teacher
< 1 2 3 4 > showing 41 - 80 of 138 constituents