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Privacy Policy

St. Mary’s Academy is committed to maintaining the privacy of information it receives through its website, and will not obtain personally-identifying information when you visit the site unless you choose to provide the information. Such information includes names, addresses, telephone and other contact information provided in connection with the Online Inquiry Form; student academic, health and counseling records, and parent/guardian financial and other information provided in connection with online admissions forms and the PCR Parent Portal; alumni/donor and credit card information provided in connection with the Donations page; and non-identifying information regarding the time, date and frequency of visits to the school website. Any personal information provided through the St. Mary’s Academy website is shared only with school personnel who have a true need to know it, as described in more detail below.

Online Inquiry Form

St. Mary’s Academy requires visitors to its website to submit an Online Inquiry Form to make an initial inquiry for information and/or to begin the online application process. The Online Inquiry Form requests the first and last name of the prospective student and his/her parent or guardian, as well as contact information for both.

Admissions and Business Office personnel at St. Mary’s Academy use this personally-identifying information to respond to your comment or question in the most appropriate manner.

Online Admissions Forms

St. Mary’s Academy requires students and their parents or guardians to complete and submit electronic admissions forms. The personally-identifying information provided in connection with these electronic admissions forms will be used by Admissions and Business Office personnel for admissions purposes, which include assessment of qualifications for enrollment, financial aid, class size and demographic information.

Online Donations

St. Mary’s Academy also accepts donations through its website. The credit card and billing information provided in connection with an online donation is collected and maintained by Please review the privacy policy for that third-party vendor for information regarding its use and retention of the information you provide. Personally-identifying information regarding donors, such as their names, contact information and donation histories, are maintained by personnel in the St. Mary’s Academy Business Office and Advancement Office. Under no circumstances are credit card numbers permanently stored on our website server.



PCR Parent Portal

Students and parents of enrolled students may communicate with faculty, and access student academic information, such as grades, transcripts, assignments and attendance records, through the PCR Parent Portal. The PCR Parent Portal also includes information regarding an individual family’s donation and giving history, and their contact information for the St. Mary’s Academy Directory.

Various personnel have the ability to enter information into the PCR Parent Portal, but only those with a true need to know it may access the information once it has been entered, such as the Registrar with respect to grade and transcript information, or faculty initiating or responding to communications.

Visits to Read or Download Information

If you visit the St. Mary’s Academy website to read or download information, such as admission forms or the school calendar, the school collects and stores only the following information about you: the name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example, “”), the date and time you access our site, and the Internet address from which you linked directly to the website.

St. Mary’s Academy uses this non-identifying information to measure the number of visitors to different sections of the website and to help make the site more useful to visitors.